Help a Friend
If you think that someone you know is being abused, it can be hard to know what to do.
Here are a few ways you can help someone …
Emotional support: Believe your friend. Listen to them and respect what they are saying. Express concern and care. Respect that leaving is their choice to make. Don’t tell them what to do or how they should feel. Be a supportive listener. Help them to identify options. Affirm their nobility and worth. Keep reminding them that the abuse is not their fault.
Logistical support: Give your friend resources and hotlines in the area (but not on a printed list that the abuser may find). Invite your friend to make phone calls from your house for safety. Sit with them when they call to get help. Tell your friend where they can go for a safe place to stay. Practice walking or taking the bus with them to get to the shelter.
Spiritual support: Remind your friend to have faith in their own goodness, nobility, and worthiness. If they tell you their spiritual or religious beliefs and practices, offer support accordingly. Pray, chant or meditate with them. Accompany them to visit a temple, mosque, church, or house of worship. Assure them that they matter, that they are wanted in the world and are not alone.
Remember: When someone you know is hurt, they usually feel alone. Tell them you are there for them, and let them go at their own pace.

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